Short Notes of Functional English - I | B.Ed (HONs) Part - I Semester - I


Subject : Functional English –I 

Unit No – 01


Introduction: An amount of information about any specific person/things.

è General Introduction:

1. Complete Name
2. Caste
3. Location ( City/Town/Village)

è Professional Introduction:

1. Complete Name
2. Location ( City/Town/Village)
3. Qualification
4. Currently what are you doing ?

è Simple questions :

Question no-1: What is your complete name?

Answer: My complete name is ________________.

Question no-2: What is your Caste?

Answer: My caste is _________

Question no-3: Where are you from?

Answer: I am from ___________

Question no-4: How many language, can you speak? Answer: I can speak Question no-5 What is zodiac Sign?

Answer: My zodiac Sign is Question no-6 What is the strongest aspect of your personality? Answer: Strongest aspect of my personality is ________

Question no-7 Why you have chosen to become a teacher?

Answer: I chosen to become a teacher because __________

Question no-8 What do you like most about this profession?

Answer: I like most about this noble profession is ___________

Question no-9: Have you ever rung your neighbours doorbell and them ran away?

Answer: _______________

Question no-10: What is your favourite family occasion and why?

Answer: _________________________________________

Question no.11: Where you ever scolded by yours parents?

Answer: _________________________________________

Question no.12: Do you have any interesting childhood memory?

Answer: _________________________________

è Taking Useful Introduction: (Notes)

• Complete Name
• Caste
• Location /Address
• Qualification
• Current status
• Ideal Personality
• Strengths
• Weakness
• Hobbies
• Favorites
• Aim
• No of language. You are able to speak.


Expressing request and enquiries:


è Request: To ask for the help in polite way.

For Example:

• May, I please take your pen?
• Please! Send me note of our subject.
• Can we please go outside.
• Please help me
• Can I use your Charger

è Enquiry: To ask questions in Order to get information.

For Example: 

What, Where, Whom, Why, When, Who Etc.

è Commond: To order. (an instruction or direction that must be obeyed.

For Example:

• Give your pen
• Get out
• Go to the market
• Bring me a glass of water
• Don’t shut!

è Practicing practical classroom English.

Using different classroom language routines and functions for effective classroom management.


è Entering into the Classroom

  •  Come in
  •  Please get in
  •  Let’s go inside the class
  •  You, may come
  •  Take your seat
  •  Sit down

è Start the Class

·         Shall, we start our lesson?

·         Are you all ready for the lesson?

·         Let’s, get start.

·         Be ready

·         Attention please.

·         Listen to me carefully

è To sum up the lesson

·         Have your Gotten

·         Let’s wind up

·         Let’s sum up the lesson

·         Let’s take a quick revision

è Stop working

  • · Close your copies
  • · Time is up
  • · Take a break
  • · Close your book
  • · Stop writing

è Checking time

  • Time is over
  • Time is running out
  • Time is up
  • You have – minute left

è Saying good bye:

  • Have a Good luck class
  • See you soon/later
  • Our today lecture is ended now best of luck for next

è Setting home work

  • Please complete your homework.
  • Don’t forget to your home work.
  • You must do you home work
  • Note your home work

è Attendance:

  • Let me take your attendance
  • It’s time for the attendance
  • Let’s me check the number of attendances
  • Let’s me open the attendance register.

Unit No-02

Social interactions

è Greeting at different occasions Situation:

è Greeting: A social ritual, use to establish relationship or connection, and to show respect and politeness to other.

è An act of acknowledge the presence of someone

è It is an expression of good wishes.

For Example:

·         Hi!

·         Hello!

·         How are you?

·         Hey!

·         What’s Up

·         Good Morning , Good afternoon, Good evening

·         What is going

·         How are you doing

è Way of Greeting

1.      Verbal

2.      Written

3.      Non-Verbal

1.      Verbal:            By verbally or by talking.

2.      Written:           Through text, letter’s, social media etc.

3.      Non-Verbal:  By body language gestures.

è Why to Greet

  • To acknowledge the presence.
  • To develop the better connections
  • To express emotions
  • To show respect
  • To start or stop a communication
  • To set position environment
  • To show interest
  • To demonstrate our social skills
  • General meeting
  • New Year
  • National day
  • Wedding ceremony
  • Hospitalisation
  • Classroom
  • Festivals

è Reasons of Greetings:

  • · To make social connection.
  • · To show respect to other.
  • · To express emotions.
  • · To show politeness.
  • · To acknowledge the presence of someone.
  • · To start or end a communication.
  • · The establish a positive environment.
  • · To show interest in communication.
  • · To demonstrate social skills.

è Gratitude: 

  • The expression of emotions of being thankful.
  • Being thankful
  • Acknowledging the value of something Being appreciative

è Gratitude vocabulary words

  • Thanks you!
  • Admiration / admire
  • Praise
  • Support
  • Respect
  • Blessing
  • Recognize
  • Careful
  • Appreciate
  • Acknowledge
  • Honour
  • Gracious/Grace
  • Kindness

è Gratitude Letters: 

                                                                        Letter: 1

To Father:

Dear Dad,

I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for everything you’ve done for me. You’ve been my rock through thick and thin, and I can’t thank you enough for your unwavering support and love. You’ve always been there for me, and I appreciate your sacrifices to ensure that I have everything I need. Thank you for being the best father a son could ask for. I love you more than words can express.


With love and gratitude, [YourName]

                Letter: 2

To Friend:

Dear XYZ,

I wanted to write this letter to express my gratitude for our friendship. You’ve been there for me through the good times and the bad, and I can’t imagine my life without you. Your unwavering support and encouragement have helped me grow as a person, and I’m grateful for your presence in my life. I cherish our conversations, adventures, and memories, and I hope our friendship lasts forever.

With love and gratitude,


                Letter: 3 

To Teacher:

Dear [Teacher’sName],

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for being such an amazing teacher. Your passion for your subject and dedication to your students have inspired me to become a better person. You’ve taught me not only about your subject but also about life, and I’m grateful for the wisdom you’ve imparted on me. Your guidance and encouragement have helped me achieve my goals, and I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me.

With gratitude, [Your Name]

Letter: 4

To Classmate:

Dear [Classmate’s Name],

I wanted to write this letter to express my gratitude for your friendship. You’ve been a wonderful classmate, and I’m grateful for the memories we’ve made together. Your support and encouragement have helped me through difficult times, and I appreciate your kind words and actions. I’m lucky to have you as a friend, and I hope our friendship lasts beyond the classroom.


With gratitude, [Your Name]

è Gratitude Stories:

  • The Unexpected Blessing

Maria had been struggling to make ends meet for months. She was a single mother of two young children and had lost her job due to the pandemic. She was barely making enough money to pay the rent and buy groceries. One day, while she was at the grocery store, she realized that she didn't have enough money to pay for everything she needed. She was embarrassed and didn't know what to do. That's when a stranger approached her and offered to pay 

for her groceries. Maria was overwhelmed with gratitude and thanked the stranger profusely. She couldn't believe that there were still kind-hearted people in the world. Later that week, Maria received a job offer that would change her life forever. She knew that it was the stranger's kindness that brought her this unexpected blessing. From that day on, Maria promised to always be grateful for the small things in life and to pay it forward by helping others in need.

  • · The Grateful Student

James was a struggling student in his final year of college. He was failing most of his classes and losing hope. His teacher, Mrs. Anderson, saw his potential and spent extra time with him to help him understand the material. Mrs. Anderson was patient and understanding, and James began to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks to Mrs. Anderson's dedication and support, James was able to pass his exams with flying colors. James was filled with gratitude and promised to pay it forward by helping other students in need. He knew that it was Mrs. Anderson's kindness that helped him turn his life around.

  • · The Generous Neighbor

The Smith family had fallen on hard times, and they were struggling to make ends meet. Their neighbor, Mr. Johnson, was known for his kindness and compassion. One day, Mr. Johnson offered to pay for their child's school fees. The Smith family was overwhelmed with gratitude and thanked Mr. Johnson profusely. This act of generosity made a huge impact on the family, and they were forever grateful to their neighbor. The Smith family promised to return the favor by helping others in need.

  • · The Unexpected Rescue

John was an experienced hiker, but he had never been to this part of the mountains before. He thought he knew the way, but he got lost. He was cold, hungry, and scared. As the hours passed, he began to lose hope. That's when a group of hikers came across him

and helped him find his way back to safety. John was filled with gratitude for their kindness and promised to never take his safety for granted again. He knew that it was the kindness of strangers that saved his life.

  • · The Unforgettable Experience

It was Jane's birthday, and her friends had planned a surprise trip for her. They took her to a place she had always wanted to visit. Jane was overwhelmed with gratitude and couldn't thank her friends enough for the unforgettable experience. She realized how lucky she was to have such amazing friends in her life. Jane promised to cherish the memories forever and to always be grateful for the people in her life. She knew that it was her friends' kindness that made her birthday one of the best days of her life.


è Invitation: A request or proposal/offer to someone to attend or join an event or ceremony.

è Type of invitation

·         Formal

·         Informal

Formal Invitation Letter 

Letter: 1

Dear [Name],

We cordially invite you to celebrate our [Age]th birthday with us on [Date] at [Time]. The party will take place at [Location]. We promise an evening of great food, drinks, music, and lots of fun.

Please let us know if you will be able to attend by [RSVPDate] by responding to this invitation or by calling [PhoneNumber].

We look forward to celebrating with you!

Best regards, [YourName]

Letter 2

Together with our families, we joyfully invite you to celebrate the wedding ceremony of [Bride'sName] and [Groom'sName].

The ceremony will take place on [Date] at [Time] at [Location]. A reception will follow immediately after the ceremony.

Please let us know if you will be able to attend by [RSVPDate] by responding to this invitation or by calling [PhoneNumber].

We request the honor of your presence on our special day and look forward to celebrating with you.


Warm regards, [Your Names]

Letter: 3 

Dear [Name],

We are delighted to invite you to our annual Eid party. It will be a joyous occasion to celebrate the end of Ramadan and the beginning of EidAl-Fitr with family and friends.

The party will take place on [Date] at [Time] at [Location]. We will have a delicious feast, music, and games for all ages. Please let us know if you will be able to attend by [RSVPDate] by responding to this invitation or by calling [PhoneNumber]. We hope to see you there to celebrate this special occasion with us!


Best regards, [YourNames]

Letter :4 


We would like to extend a warm invitation to your school to attend our science exhibition at [College/UniversityName]. The exhibition will showcase innovative science projects and ideas from students across various departments and disciplines.

The event will take place on [Date] from [Time] at [Location]. Students will have the opportunity to engage with interactive displays and learn about the latest advancements in science and technology.

We would be honored to have your school participate in this event. Please let us know if you are interested in attending and the number of students that will be joining us.

We hope to see you at the exhibition!

Best regards, [YourNames]

Letter: 5

Dear [Name],

We are excited to invite you to celebrate the graduation ceremony of our Class of [Year] at

[College/UniversityName]. This momentous occasion is a celebration of academic achievement, and we would be honored to have you join us to recognize and applaud the hard work of our graduates.

The ceremony will take place on [Date] at [Time] at [Location]. A reception will follow immediately after the ceremony.

Please let us know if you will be able to attend by [RSVPDate] by responding to this invitation or by calling [PhoneNumber].

We look forward to celebrating this special occasion with you!

Warm regards, [YourNames]

Letter: 6 

Dear [Name],

It is with mixed emotions that we invite you to the farewell event of [DepartingPerson'sName]. As they embark on their next chapter, we would like to honor their contributions and wish them well on their future endeavors.

The event will take place on [Date] at [Time] at [Location]. We will have speeches, presentations, and a reception to celebrate their time with us and to bid them farewell.

Please let us know if you will be able to attend by [RSVPDate] by responding to this invitation or by calling [PhoneNumber].

We hope to see you at the event as we say goodbye to a valued member of our team.

Best regards,

[Your Names]

Letter: 7 

Dear [Name],

We cordially invite you to join us in celebrating our country's NationalDay on [Date]. It is a time for us to reflect on our heritage, history, and progress as a nation, and to come together as a community to honor our country.

The celebration will take place on [Date] at [Time] at [Location]. We will have a flag-raising ceremony, performances, and a reception with traditional food and drinks.

We would be delighted to have you join us in this momentous occasion. Please let us know if you will be able to attend by [RSVPDate] by responding to this invitation or by calling [PhoneNumber].

We look forward to celebrating with you as we proudly commemorate our NationalDay.

Best regards, [YourNames]


Dear [Name],

    We would like to extend a formal invitation to you to attend our charity event to benefit [CharityName]. The event is being organized to raise funds and awareness for the important work of this charity.

The event will take place on [Date] at [Time] at [Location]. We will have guest speakers, live entertainment, and a silent auction with exclusive items and experiences to bid on. All proceeds will be donated to [CharityName].

We would be honored to have your support for this important cause. Please let us know if you are interested in attending and if you would like to make a donation or participate in the auction.

Thank you for your consideration and we hope to see you at the charity event.

Best regards, [YourNames]

Informal Invitation Letter 

Letter: 1

Hey there!

We're throwing a birthday bash to celebrate our [Age]th birthday and we would love for you to join us! It's going to be a great time with food, drinks, and music. We can't wait to see you there! Here are the details:

Date: [Date] Time: [Time]

Location: [Address]

Please let us know if you can make it by [RSVPDate] by texting or calling us. Hope to see you soon!

Cheers, [YourName]

Letter: 2 


We are tying the knot and we want you to celebrate our special day with us! You are cordially invited to our weddingceremony and reception.

Here are the details:

Date: [Date] Time: [Time]

Location: [Address]

Please let us know if you can make it by [RSVPDate] by texting or calling us.

We can't wait to celebrate with you!

Love, [YourNames]

Letter: 3 

Hey there!

We're hosting an Eidparty and we would love for you to join us! It's going to be a fun-filled day with great food, music, and games for everyone to enjoy.

Here are the details:

Date: [Date] Time: [Time]

Location: [Address]

Please let us know if you can make it by [RSVPDate] by texting or calling us.

We can't wait to celebrate with you!

EidMubarak, [YourNames]

Letter: 4 



    We're excited to invite your school to our scienceexhibition at [College/UniversityName]. We've got some amazing science projects and ideas from students across various departments and disciplines that we can't wait to share with you.

Here are the details:

Date: [Date] Time: [Time]

Location: [Address]

Please let us know if you are interested in attending and the number of students that will be joining us by [RSVPDate]. We'd be happy to accommodate your school and make this event an engaging and educational experience for your students.

Looking forward to seeing you at the exhibition!

Best regards, [YourNames]

Letter: 5

Hey there!

We're graduating and we would be delighted to have you join us at our ceremony! It's a momentous occasion to celebrate our academic achievements and we want you to be part of it.

Here are the details:

Date: [Date] Time: [Time]

Location: [Address]

Please let us know if you can make it by [RSVPDate] by texting or calling us.

We're excited to share this special moment with you!

Cheers, [YourNames]

Letter: 6 

Hey there!

[DepartingPerson'sName] is leaving us and we're having a farewellparty to celebrate their time with us. We'd be honored to have you join us for this special event.

Here are the details:

Date: [Date] Time: [Time]

Location: [Address]

Please let us know if you can make it by [RSVPDate] by texting or calling us.

Let's give [DepartingPerson'sName] a memorable farewell!

Cheers, [YourNames]

Letter: 7 

Hey there!

It's time to celebrate our country's NationalDay! We're having a party to mark this special occasion and we want you to be part of it.

Here are the details:

Date: [Date] Time: [Time]

Location: [Address]

Please let us know if you can make it by [RSVPDate] by texting or calling us.

Let's come together and celebrate our country's heritage and progress!

Cheers, [YourNames]


Hey there!

We're organizing a charity event to benefit [CharityName] and we would love to have you there to support this worthy cause. It's going to be a fun and meaningful evening with guest speakers, live entertainment, and a silent auction with some great items and experiences up for grabs.

Here are the details:

Date: [Date] Time: [Time]

Location: [Address]

Please let us know if you are interested in attending and if you would like to donate or participate in the auction. Every little bit helps!

Let's make a difference together for [CharityName]!

Best regards,

[Your Names]

Accept and Decline invitation Letter Accept Letter:


I’m feeling honoured, after I receive your invitation for [Event Name]. I assure you about my presence at your event and will catch you there on the day event.

With Best Wishes

[Host Name]


I’m feeling honour after I receive you invitation for [Event Date]. I assure you about my presence at your event and will catch you there on the day of event.

With Best Wishes

[Host Name]

è Regret: 

        A feeling of sadness or disappointment because of missing an opportunity

Expectation Hope

è Vocabulary for regrets:

·         Sorry

·         Ashamed

·         Forgive

·         Apologize

·         Regret

Unit no-03

Giving & following Direction

è Giving& following direction:

  • - Turn right
  • · Go straight
  • · Go down
  • · Cross the road
  • · Take lift
  • · Turn left
  • · Take stairs ( Up & Down)
  • · Go up
  • · Go across the road
  • · There you will see.

è   How to erase a whiteboard:

  • · Start by using a dry eraser or cloth to remove any excess dry erase marker residue.
  • · Begin at one corner of the board and work your way across, using horizontal or vertical strokes.
  • · Use a firm but gentle pressure to avoid damaging the whiteboard surface.
  • · Erase any stubborn marks or stains with a whiteboard cleaner or isopropyl alcohol as needed.
  • · Remember to always follow the manufacturer's instructions for any cleaning products you use on your whiteboard to avoid damage or discoloration.
  • · Allow the board to dry completely before using it again.

è How to write on a whiteboard:

  • · Use a dry erase marker of your choice
  • · Hold the marker with a firm grip and apply consistent pressure
  • · Write your text, numbers or symbols legibly and large enough for your audience to read.
  • · Wipe off any mistakes or corrections with a dry eraser or cloth.
  • If you need to emphasize something, use a different colored marker or underline, circle, or highlight the text.

è How to present a presentation:

  • · Plan out your presentation, including the key points and supporting visuals.
  • · Practice your presentation, focusing on clear delivery and timing.
  • · Prepare any necessary materials, such as handouts or slides.
  • · Begin your presentation by introducing yourself and your topic.
  • · Use visual aids to support your points.
  • · Pause periodically to allow for questions or comments.
  • · End your presentation with a summary of your key points and a call to action.

è How to ask for directions:

  • · Approach the person you want to ask for directions and greet them politely.
  • · Ask for their help in finding your destination, being as specific as possible about the location.
  • · Listen carefully to their response and take notes if necessary.
  • · Thank them for their help and follow the directions they provided.

è How to make notes:

  • · Begin by organizing your thoughts and ideas.
  • · Use bullet points or short phrases to keep your notes concise.
  • · Use headings or subheadings to categorize your notes.
  • · Use abbreviations or symbols to save time.
  • · Focus on the most important information and don't worry about getting everything down.
  • · Review and revise your notes after the lecture or meeting.

è How to take attendance of students in a classroom:

  • · Use a class roster or attendance sheet to keep track of students present or absent
  • · Call out each student's name or have them check in as they arrive.
  • · Mark absent or tardy students as appropriate.
  • · Keep the attendance record up-to-date and report any discrepancies to the relevant authority.

è How to connect to WiFi:

  • · Check if your device is equipped with WiFi capability and if it is turned on.
  • · Scan for available networks in your vicinity.
  • · Choose the network you want to connect to and enter the correct password if required.
  • · Wait for your device to establish a connection and test it by browsing the internet.

è How to change a light bulb:

  • · Turn off the light switch and wait for the bulb to cool if necessary.
  • · Remove the old bulb by twisting it counterclockwise until it comes loose.
  • · Insert the new bulb by twisting it clockwise until it is firmly in place.
  • - Turn on the light switch and test the new bulb.

è How to take students in confidence for learning:

  • - Create a positive and inclusive classroom environment.
  • · Get to know your students on an individual level and build rapport with them.
  • · Encourage student participation and engagement in class discussions and activities.
  • · Provide opportunities for students to share their thoughts and ideas.
  • · Create a safe space for students to make mistakes and learn from them.
  • · Give constructive feedback and acknowledge student progress and achievements.
  • · Be patient and flexible in adapting to student needs and learning styles.
  • · Foster a growth mindset and encourage students to take ownership of their learning

è How to plan your teaching:

  • · Determine the learning objectives for the lesson or unit.
  • · Choose appropriate instructional methods and materials.
  • · Create a lesson plan that includes the key points, activities, and assessments.
  • · Consider the needs and interests of your students.
  • · Align the lesson plan with relevant standards or curriculum requirements.
  • · Prepare any necessary materials or resources in advance.

è How to learn English:

  • · Practice speaking and listening to English as much as possible.
  • · Read English texts, such as books, newspapers, and websites.
  • · Watch English-language movies and TV shows to improve comprehension and vocabulary.
  • · Write in English, such as keeping a journal or writing emails.
  • · Use language-learning apps or software to practice grammar and vocabulary.
  • · Seek out opportunities to practice English with native speakers.

è How to solve a BODMAS sum:

  • · BODMAS stands for brackets, orders, division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction, in that order.
  • · Start by solving any brackets or parentheses first, starting from the innermost and working outward.
  • · Next, solve any exponents or orders.
  • · Then, solve any division or multiplication, working from left to right.
  • · Finally, solve any addition or subtraction, also working from left to right.
  • · Check your answer and ensure it follows the correct order of operations.

Unit no 04

Sharing Experience

  • News article: A report on current events or other factual information, typically published in a newspaper or magazine.
  • Narrative: Type of a text that tell a story. 
  • Could be fictional (Created) or non- fictional (Reality base).
  • Story: A fictional narrative that tell of a series of event/experience.

è Types of Fiction:

1.  Novel: A long-form narrative that typically focuses on character development, plot, and themes.

2.   Short story: A brief narrative that typically focuses on a single incident or character and has a clear beginning, middle, and end.

3.  Fable: A short narrative that uses animals or inanimate objects as characters to convey a moral lesson.

4.     Fairy tale: A story that typically involves magic, mythical creatures, and a happy ending.

5.   Novella: A shorter novel that is longer than a short story but shorter than a novel.

6.   Screenplay: A script for a film or television show that includes dialogue, actions, and descriptions.

7.   Play: A script for a stage performance that includes dialogue, actions, and descriptions.

è Types of Non-fiction:

1.  Memoir: An autobiographical account that focuses on a specific period or theme in the author's life.

2.     Biography: An account of someone else's life, written by another person.

3.   Autobiography: An account of the author's own life, written by themselves.

4.   Essay: A short piece of writing that explores a specific topic or idea.

5.    Diary: A daily record of the author's personal experiences, thoughts, and feelings.

6.   Speech: A public address that is intended to inform, persuade, or inspire.



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