National Educational Policy (2009)

National Educational Policy 2009 (NEP)


  • Education policy is the principles and government policy-making in educational sphere, as well as the collection of laws and rules that govern the operation of education systems. 
  • Before the expiration of National Education Policy (NEP) for the period of 1998 to 2010. 
  • The government announced the new National Education Policy (NEP) for the next decade in 2009, called the "National Education Policy (2009) “ 
  • As the Education Policy (1998 -2010) was not producing the desired results. 
  • The review process for the National Education Policy 1998-2010 was initiated in 2005

Reason behind NEP 2009
There are two main reason that promoted Ministry of education to launch a policy before time horizon of NEP 1998-2010. 
  1. The previous policy was not producing desired result and performance remained deficient in several aspects like quality and equity in getting education. 
  2. The second reason behind the policy is international challenges like Millennium development goals (MDG’s) and education for all (EFA).

  1. Poor Quality of Teachers & Managers. 
  2. Quality of curriculum, textbooks & exams.
  3. Low level of literacy.
  4. Out of school children.
  5. Public Private Partnership.
  6. Poor monitoring & evaluation.
  7. Gender Equity. 
  8. Inconvenient school location.

Aims and Objectives 
  • To achieve EFA Goals and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). 
  • To create a sense of nationhood. 
  • To promote national cohesion by equal weight to religion, cultural and ethnic diversity. 
  • To provide and ensure equal educational opportunities to all the citizens of Pakistan. 
  • To improve the quality of education. 
  • To provide of special facilities for girls and boys alike, under-privileged/marginalised groups and handicapped children and adults.
  • To shift the education system from supply-oriented to demand-oriented and labour market. 
  • To organize a national process for educational development that will reduce disparities. 

Elements of Policy: 

1. Islamic education: 
To ensure that all Muslim children are provided opportunities to learn understand and apply the fundamental principles of Islam in their lives Quran and Sun-nah. Teaching of Islamiyat shall be taught as a compulsory subject from Grade I to Grade XII and Advanced Islamic Studies shall be offered as an elective subject at Grades IX-X and XI-XII.

2. Early Childhood Education(ECE): 
Improvements in quality of ECE shall be based on a concept of holistic development of the child. ECE age group shall be recognized as comprising 3 to 5 years.

3. Elementary Education: 
All children, boys and girls, shall be brought inside school by the year 2015. Government shall make efforts to provide the necessary financial resources to achieve the EFA goals. 

4. Secondary and Higher Secondary Education: 
Open new school, particularly in the rural areas for girls. Student support shall be increased to prevent students from dropping out of school for financial reasons. 

5. Literacy and Non-formal learning: 
Literacy rate shall be increased up to 86% by 2015 through up-scaling of ongoing programmers of adult literacy and non-formal basic education in the country. Provinces and district governments shall allocate a minimum of 3% of education budget for literacy and non-formal basic education (NFBE).

6. Improving Teacher Quality: 
Teacher training arrangements procedures shall be standardized and institutionalized. A separate cadre of specialized teacher trainers shall be developed.

7. Curriculum Reform: 
Curriculum development shall be objective driven and outcome based. Use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Education shall be promoted in line with Ministry of Education. 

8. Quality in Textbooks and Learning Material: 
A well-regulated system of competitive publishing of textbooks and learning materials shall be introduced. Special textbooks shall be prepared to cater to multi-grade environments.

9. Matching With The Labour Market: 
Courses at the secondary and higher secondary level shall be reviewed with a view to making them more relevant to the needs of the labour market in order to better prepare those students not going on to further studies. 

10. Technical Education and Vocational Training: 
Skills Standards and Curriculum should be developed and standardized at National Level. TVE shall be extended according to the need of the area.


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